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Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
Issue Information
ss. i - vi | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105 Özet Anaktar kelimeler:
| Orjinal Araştırma Makaleleri
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Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
Web 2.0 Teknolojilerinin Matematik Öğretimine Entegrasyonu: Öğrenci Görüşlerine Dayalı Bir Araştırma
Erol Şahinoğlu & Özden Demirkan ss. 86 - 105 | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105.1 Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı, web 2.0 uygulamalarıyla desteklenen matematik öğretimine ilişkin öğrenci görüşlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması ile desenlenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, 2022-2023 eğitim öğretim yılında Ankara ili Gölbaşı ilçesi Ahmet Alper Dinçer Anadolu Lisesi 11/C sınıfında öğrenim gören 34 (19 Kız, 15 Erkek) öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemiyle oluşturulmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen görüşme formu ve yansıtıcı günlükler kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada, öğrencilerin matematik dersinde web 2.0 araçlarını kullanmaya istekli oldukları ve eğlendikleri sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca web 2.0 araçlarının matematik dersinde kullanılması, öğrencinin derse olan ilgisinin artması, derse aktif olarak katılması, ders başarısının artması, dersin daha etkili ve eğlenceli olması gibi olumlu sonuçlar doğurmuştur. Matematik öğretiminde kullanılan Nearpod, Seesaw ve web 2.0 araçlarına ilişkin öğrenci görüşlerinin olumlu olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu araçları tercih nedenleri kullanımının kolay olması, eğlenceli, etkileşimli, ilgi çekici olması, öğrenmeyi desteklemesi ve derse aktif katılımı sağlaması gibi faktörlere dayanmaktadır. Araştırmada ulaşılan sonuçların konuyla ilgili yapılacak araştırmalara yön vereceği ve alana önemli katkılar sunacağı öngörülmektedir. Anaktar kelimeler: Eğitimde Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar, Web 2.0 Araçları, Matematik Öğretimi
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Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
Türkiye Yüzyılı Maarif Modeli’nin Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Görüşleri Bağlamında İncelenmesi
Burak Baz ss. 106 - 123 | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105.2 Özet Bu araştırmada Türkiye Yüzyılı Maarif Modeli’ne ilişkin sınıf öğretmenlerinin görüşlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışmasına uygun olarak yürütülen bu araştırmaya Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin orta ölçekli bir ilindeki kamu ilkokullarında görev yapan 12 sınıf öğretmeni katılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında odak grup görüşmesi ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniğinden faydalanılmıştır. Görüşme formunda modelin sınıf öğretmenleri tarafından algılanma biçimi, önceki programlarla karşılaştırılması, modelin eğitim pratiğine sunabileceği katkılar ve uygulamada karşılaşılabilecek olası zorluklara yönelik hazırlanan sorular yer almıştır. Elde edilen bulgular katılımcıların büyük bir çoğunluğunun Türkiye Yüzyılı Maarif Modeli’ni taşıdığı yenilikçi unsurlar bakımından olumlu karşıladığını, ancak uygulamada bazı yapısal ve yöntemsel sorunlarla karşılaşma endişesi taşıdıklarını göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın, modelin eğitime getirdiği yenilikler ve katılımcıların bu konudaki görüşlerinin analiziyle Türkiye'nin eğitim politikalarının gelişimine katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ilgili alanyazın ışığında tartışılarak bazı öneriler sunulmuştur. Anaktar kelimeler: Türkiye Yüzyılı Maarif Modeli, Öğretmen Görüşleri, Sınıf Öğretmenleri, Eğitim Politikaları
Araştırma Makalesi |
Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
Primary Evaluation of Mathematics Lessons in Primary School Distance Education Processes
Tuğçe Değirmenci & Yasemin Deringöl ss. 124 - 148 | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105.3 Özet The aim of this study, together with the changes in education that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic process that affected the whole world, is to examine the effects of distance education at the primary school level on teacher candidates, parents of primary school students and teacher candidates and the effects of these processes on students' learning and development in mathematics classes. Studying is a qualitative and phenomenological study. The phenomenon of the study is "distance education". The study group consists of 32 classroom teachers, 77 parents of primary school students, 95 primary school students and 75 classroom teacher candidates. Data was collected via Google Forms and content analysis was performed on the obtained data. As a result of the research, it was determined that primary school students could not get the expected efficiency due to reasons such as their attention being distracted in a short time, not being able to establish an emotional bond with their teachers and the school not being physically present. Suggestions to increase the efficiency of distance education are presented in the light of the findings since primary school students are young and attach importance to physical conditions. Anaktar kelimeler: Distance Learning, Primary School, Covid-19, Mathematic Teaching, Mathematics
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Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
EFL Teachers’ Views on the Competencies of an Effective English Language Teacher
Ayşe Zambak ss. 149 - 167 | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105.4 Özet Teacher competencies are expressed as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that teachers need to have to fulfil their profession effectively and efficiently. Since competency is directly linked with efficient implementation in complex situations and is thought to serve as a contributing factor for success, concepts such as performance and achievement can be associated. Therefore, this qualitative study aimed to investigate the views of English language teachers working in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education on the competencies of an effective English language teacher. The research was designed as a phenomenological study with 27 English teachers selected by convenience sampling through a written interview form administered face-to-face during a local in-service training program in the academic year 2023-2024. An inductive method was used for data analysis along with content analysis of the written reports. The results showed that the participants mostly emphasized competencies related to the teacher's instructional delivery and management of learning and teaching processes. In addition, teachers mostly emphasized competencies such as professional development approaches, communication with students and mastery of subject area knowledge. The data also showed that teachers needed to develop their language skills and teach them effectively together with the effective use of digital technologies in the teaching and learning processes. Anaktar kelimeler: EFL Teachers, Effective Teacher, Competencies
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Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
Exploring Age-Related Factors in Foreign Language Acquisition: Views from Language Specialists
Serra Çeğin & Naif Kara ss. 168 - 184 | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105.5 Özet The aim of this study is to examine the views of language specialist academics on age in foreign language acquisition and proficiency. The relationship between age and foreign language learning has long been a topic of interest in educational psychology and linguistics. The study examines expert views on the role of age-related factors, such as cognitive and neurological development, neuroplasticity, and socio-cultural influences, in shaping language learning outcomes at different stages of life. The research methodology involved conducting semi-structured interviews with language specialists, followed by content analysis to identify key themes. The participants included language instructors and linguists, providing a diverse range of perspectives on the topic. Additionally, the study explores the implications of these age-related differences for educational policy and practice, particularly in terms of age-appropriate instructional strategies and fostering supportive learning environments. By shedding light on both the advantages and challenges of acquiring a foreign language at various life stages, this study offers a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between age and language learning in the context of participants' views. Anaktar kelimeler: Age and language acquisition, Neuroplasticity, Language proficiency
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Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
Being with the Other: Education in Diversity, Interculturality and Human Fragilities
Germán Guarín Jurado, Miguel Alberto González González & Gonzalo Tamayo Giraldo ss. 185 - 198 | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105.6 Özet The following article offers a perspective on otherness from the standpoint of education in diversity and interculturality, with an understanding of human fragilities and the ancient, modern, and contemporary quests to understand ourselves amid religious, economic, legal, political, and cultural differences. It includes an analysis of diversity and its variants, interculturality, and its importance for 21st-century societies that often fall into homogenizations and demonizations of the other, the new, and what disrupts every day, scientific, and cultural realities. Some conclusions are provided in that search, not of perfect peace or seamless coexistence, but convinced that we are full of challenges, moving from the idealizations to the plural and challenging realities of a humanity that learns to live amid differences. Anaktar kelimeler: Social Fragility, Intercultural Studies, Diversity, Education, Languages
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Eğitim Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Dergisi Clt. 5 (2)
Exploring Comparative Education through Definitions, History, Methods and Theories
Bahar Yakut Özek & Sakine Sincer ss. 199 - 223 | DOI: 10.29329/jeps.2024.1105.7 Özet This study aims at exploring the field of comparative education, tracing its historical evolution, methodologies, and theoretical underpinnings. Beginning with an overview of early scholars who shaped the field, the study delves into varied methodological approaches such as Jullien’s experimental deductive method and Bray and Thomas’s multidimensional analysis. Theoretical perspectives, including Dependency Theory and Liberation Theory, are scrutinized for their impact on educational systems around the world. The Turkish context is interwoven in the study, highlighting its historical and contemporary relevance. This study employs the method of literature review to synthesize insights from diverse sources to present a holistic overview. This methodological approach guarantees a thorough examination of the definitional, historical, methodological, and theoretical aspects of comparative education while situating the study within the broader academic dialogue, thereby contributing to the ongoing discourse in this evolving field. Emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach, the study calls for collaborative efforts across disciplines to enrich global educational understanding. In conclusion, the study serves as a resource for scholars and practitioners, providing actionable suggestions for future research and practice. This study is expected to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on comparative education, offering insights for informed decision-making in the global educational landscape. Recommendations include fostering multidisciplinary collaborations, enhancing longitudinal studies, exploring innovative pedagogies, and addressing equity issues. Anaktar kelimeler: Comparative Education, Definition, Historical Development, Method, Theory |